Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Poetry and Catalog Poem A.i Essay Example

Poetry and Catalog Poem A.i Essay Example Poetry and Catalog Poem A.i Essay Poetry and Catalog Poem A.i Essay I. Examine the title and text for symbolism b. Images b. I. Identify the images and sensory details c. Figures of Speech c. I. Analyze figurative language and other devices d. Tone and Theme d. I. Discuss how all devices reveal tone and theme II. Reading Skills and Strategies a. Look for punctuation b. Do not make a full stop at the end off line if there is no period, comma, colon, semicolon, or dash c. If the poem is difficult to understand, look for the subject, verb, and complement of each sentence Ill. Vocabulary Terms a. Catalog Poem a. I. The repetition of items in the list creates a rolling rhythm when the poem is read aloud b. Repetition b. I. Refers to sounds, words, phrases, or lines that are states or used more than once in a poem c. Alliteration c. I. Repetition of consonant sounds at the beginnings of words d. Assonance d. I. Repetition of similar vowel sounds that are followed by different consonant sounds e. Personification e. I. An animal given human-like qualities or an object given life-like qualities f. Onomatopoeia f. I. Word or phrase that imitates the sound made by something else g. Oxymoron g. I. Figure of speech which contradictory terms appear side by side h. Hyperbole h. I. Figure of speech that uses exaggeration to express strong emotion or create comic effect I. Idiom I. I. Expression that meaner something different from the literal meaning of each word j. Allusion j. I. Reference to a statement, person, place, or an event V. Poetry Analysis a. What is the poem about? B. Number of stanzas? C. Number of lines per stanza? D. Speaker? E. Rhyme scheme? F. Examples of repetition? G. Examples of imagery? H. Examples of symbolism? V. Catalog Poem The bored looks on the students in the room And the teachers excited voice ringing through the room VI. Free verse a. As I walk outside a gush of winds blows my hair back The crisp cool air slithers between my fingers The Goosebumps rise on my body VI. Types of Poetry a. Narrative a. I. Tells a story or recounts events b. Dramatic b. I. Tells a story but focuses on character c. Lyric c. I. Present the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker VIII. Form and Structure a. Written in lines b. Lines are grouped together in stanzas c. Lines and words are arranged on a page is its form X. Sound a. Rhyme, meter, and word choice are the key sound devices b. Rhyme is the repetition of sounds at the ends of words b. I. Internal rhyme b. I. L. Use of rhyming words within a line b. Ii. End Rhyme b. Ii. L . Use of rhymes at the ends of lines X. Rhythm a. Pattern of sound created by stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry b. Meter is a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllable c. Form can affect its rhythm X. Free Verse a. Does not contain regular patterns of rhythm or rhyme b. No fixed line lengths or stanzas XII. Imagery and Figurative Language .

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Debate Topics for the High School Classroom

Debate Topics for the High School Classroom Debates are a great way for students to get involved in class. Students have to research topics, prepare for the debate with their team, and think on their feet as they practice public speaking. Learning how to debate does more than improve speaking skills; it also makes for better listeners. As a result, students are better prepared  for college and the diverse career world beyond.   Joseph Joubert â€Å"It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.† (1896) The following list of 50 debate topics  is for use in high school classrooms. While some of these are specifically written for a particular part of the curriculum, others can be modified or used in a number of different classes. Each item is listed as a proposition that one side (student or team) argues to defend while the other side (student or team) argues to oppose. 1:53 Watch Now: Ideas for Great Classroom Debate Topics Science and Technology Human cloning  should be banned.Renewable forms of energy should be subsidized by the government.The U.S. government should fund a space mission to Mars.Social media comments should be protected by free speech.Parents should be allowed to choose their babys gender.Animal testing should be banned.The U.S. government should provide internet service for every citizen.Video games are too violent. Politics and Government America should be able to provide foreign aid to countries that kill  endangered animals.It is never appropriate for the government to restrict freedom of speech.Democracy is the best form of government.All citizens who do not vote should pay a fine.The right to bear arms is a necessary constitutional amendment.Progressive tax rates are unfair.The voting age should be lowered.The driving age should be raised.A border fence should be constructed between the U.S. and Mexico.America should not give foreign aid to other countries.Drone attacks against specific targets are a necessary part of modern warfare.Affirmative action should be abolished. Social Issues Partial-birth abortion should be illegal.All parents should be required to attend parenting classes before having a child.All people should be vegetarians.Mixed martial arts  should be banned.The  death penalty  should be abolished.Sports stars should be positive role models.People should be fined for not recycling.Performance-enhancing drugs should be allowed in sports. Education All students should have an after-school job.Every student should be required to take a performing arts course.Homework should be banned.School uniforms should be required.Year-round education is not a good idea for student learning.Physical education should be required of all students throughout high school.All students should be required to perform one year of community service.Schools should block YouTube.Students should be able to leave school for lunch.Single-sex schools are better for students.Schools should punish cyberbullying that occurs outside of school.Teachers should not be allowed to contact students through social media.Public prayer should not be allowed in schools.High-stakes state testing should be abolished.Poetry should be removed from the curriculum.History (or another subject) is an important subject in school.Schools should not be allowed to track students by academic level.Students should be required to pass algebra to graduate.Students should not be graded on their handwriting. All students should take an online course.The theory of Intelligent design should be taught in science classes.